
May Huge Hauls

by - 7:36 AM

I have never buy so many things in one month in my life. And now I did.
I feel like chopping my hands off, when I do online shopping. I always ask myself to control
 but still I ended up buying so many stuff xP

In this month, I spent so much that I told myself not to buy anything things next month. 
But I am already spending like water flow :P

Oh well, money that is spent can't really bring you anything but happiness if you bought the right thing. So, today I am going to share things that I have bought in the month <3 

1. Biore Cleansing water

I always prefer makeup remover that is water base. And I am actually currently using the Bifesta makeup remover, that is perfectly fine removing my makeup. So why I change to this?
While I was doing "window shopping" in the mall, I saw the board written "Huge Sales", and you tell me, who can resist this kind of word ? So I went in Watson and got trapped inside >.<

Guess what? This is having sales and I remember my cousin sister said that this is quite good, so my itchy hand go and spend extra money on this, while I am actually planning to buy my contact lens solution only. Good marketing strategies huh? 

2. Clinique Moisture Surge 

I actually got this for FREE, as I joined the giveaway competition <3 
Didn't know that I have this kind of luck. This is actually not bad, and it is light weight and it doesn't leave sticky residue on my face. I don't really enjoy using moistening cream, which will make my face sticky and oily. So I really enjoy using moisturiser that is in gel form :) Glad that I got this :)

3. Simple Facial Toner

This is also one of the bought in Watson. Coincidently my toner is going to finish, so I was thinking which brand to try next, and then I saw this. When I was in high school, I used to love Simple products, especially their facial wash. All their products are so gentle and nice. 

So, I was thinking, why not use something simple ? Since I have so many "un-simple" skincare products xD But the older I get, my skin doesn't really enjoy using it. My skin need something more moisture and this Simple is TOO simple for me, that I feel like I am using mineral water on my face xD Oh no, I suddenly feel so old :O

4. Black skinny pants

Bought from ezbuy (aka Taobao). I just found out this website that helped people to purchase things from taobao. It's like a Taobao agent, and their service is fast and efficient and the people are super friendly! Oh yea, and it is also trustable :) At first I was a bit worry that I am going to buy things from this agent, because I used to buy from the Facebook taobao agent. But their service came out quite good and they're always having discount like free agent fees or free delivery fees :D So I really enjoy shopping with them :P

5. Black dress

This is from taobao too ! How can their things to be so cheap? Feel like living in China so I can buy as many clothes as I want without thinking so much xD It's actually an off shoulder dress, but it doesn't look like it is in the pictures xP

6. Unicorn Onesie

OMG bought this at around Rm25, where it cost Rm100+ in Lazada and other websites ! 
Really glad that I bought this, as the quality quite not bad.
 Don't ever think that China quality is always bad :P 

7. Grey sweatpants 

Bought this sweatpants less than Rm10. Yea, I told you I can't resist cheap stuff xP I think I will wear it to sleep, even though there is actually quite a number of people wear sweatpants outsite. My sister said that I look like a pregnant lady cause of this pants xD I though I look quite cool here LOL

8. White wedges heels 

My second love from taobao <3 

This pair of heels is so nice ! Omg I finally owned a white heels <3 
Really love the design, and the height, not very heavy and painful when I am wearing it. 
Plus, it is also damn cheap :D 

9. White skinny jeans 

Yay for skinny jeans. Got this pair of jeans from H&M cause I think that I will wear long pants to school more often. So, here's my another pair of jeans <3 Really love white colour, even though it makes me look fatter o.o

So, that's all for my May Hauls :)
Hope you guys enjoy it and I will see you guys soon.


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  1. I love this black dress so much :) It looks really nice on you! I saw so many pretty things on taobao, but I can't read chinese so I don't know if they're shipping to Europe too..:D

    1. Thanks :D Yeah there's a lot of pretty stuff on taobao, and I think you can translate the whole website to English version by clicking the 语言 on the top left corner :)

  2. you wear Unicorn Onesie to sleep ? so cute.
